Jenna Lee Leahy


Jenna Lee’s Weekly Class Schedule

Thursdays: 6:30am Advanced Yoga & 8am Intermediate Yoga

Class Descriptions:

Intermediate with Jenna Lee: Learn about the key components of yoga while accessing whole-body harmony. Feel strong and balanced through this slow flow. Cultivate presence through awareness of breath and exploring mindful movement. You’ll feel right at h(ohm). (sign up link here)

Advanced with Jenna Lee: Connect through the breath, still the mind, and awaken to the power of now for the union of body, mind, spirit, and senses. Build up heat through flowing vinyasa movement while learning some of the fundamental postures found in the classic Ashtanga yoga system. This one-hour class will leave you feeling empowered and revitalized. (sign up link here)

Jenna Lee’s Events & Workshops Schedule

Stay tuned for upcoming workshops and events!

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