Ali Reina


Ali’s Class Schedule

Ali teaches series workshops and special events, a twice monthly Yoga for Beginner’s class, and is available for private yoga sessions tailored to beginners. Here is her upcoming schedule:

Beginner’s Yoga Basics Bi-Monthly Class: Fridays at 11:30am on the following dates:

January 5th & 19th

February 9th & 23rd

March 8th & 22nd

April 5th & 19th

May 3rd & 17th

Yoga Nidra:

Wednesday, February 7th, 6pm

Private Three-Part Beginner Series:

Schedule a private three part introduction to yoga series with Ali! Sign up here.

Mindful Athlete Series: Sundays from 12:30-1:30pm on the following dates:

March 3rd

March 10th

March 17th

March 24th

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