Soul Dreams Studio

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We Need More Love

We need more love.

I’m pretty sure that is already obvious, but there are days that sometimes make me wonder if people have forgotten about love, or at least forgotten how to love. 

I’m certainly not saying the other emotions are not important. Every emotion has a valuable place in your experience of life. Emotions are messengers and they signal to you what is deeply important to you.

But far too often, authentic emotions are pushed to the side, or shoved back down, instead of given the space to come up and out and be released.

Because on the other side of many emotions that don’t feel so good you will usually find love.

I can say this with much confidence, because I have witnessed it, not only in myself, but in working with clients for the past several years. 

Behind every heavy emotion there is love.

There is peace; there is joy. 

But the problem lies in the running away from the emotions. The dodging of them. The suppressing of them. The ignoring of them. The denying of them. And the also popular, embodying of them.

Emotions aren’t meant to be strapped to your back and carried around with you all day, every day. Yet that is precisely what so many people do, and precisely why careers, lovers, families, and friends struggle under the weight of these invisible energies that crumble adult human beings each and every day, just out of reach of the naked eye and five senses most folks rely on.

But they are there. And they are probably affecting you too.

So what can you do?

  1. Allow yourself to fully feel your emotions. As a culture, we’ve been actively denying emotions for so long, that I find most people are afraid to even allow themselves to feel their own emotions. They are afraid that somehow they will get stuck in them, never find their way back out, and that will be the end of their existence. If this fear is really strong for you, have a close friend hold space for you while you feel your emotions. Or, let someone know what you’re planning to do and set a time for them to check in on you. It’s just one extra step to take to make yourself feel safe to feel.

  2. Don’t cling to them for dear life. Please, feel them and let them go. They aren’t meant to hang out with you all day, everyday, chilling in your house, taking up space, and not even paying rent. They are actually super helpful messengers that signal that something is important to you and the only reason they come knocking is to make sure you pay attention to whatever this thing is that is so important to you. Get their message and then let them go. Don’t invite them to stay for dinner. Don’t ask them to spend the night. Feel them, hear them, and release them. Done deal.

  3. Don’t pretend they don’t exist. You are a human being. A human being, being a human. Humans have emotions. It’s science! It’s a part of life! It’s natural! Please just let yourself be a natural human being and feel, instead of avoiding feeling, or denying that you feel anything, or doing everything possible thing you can think of to distract yourself from feeling. 

Running from your emotions only does one thing: it makes them bigger. Research on emotional suppression has actually shown that when emotions are pushed aside, they get stronger. That means that while you might be able to distract yourself from them for a little while, they will come knocking on your door again real soon, and this time they will be bringing the whole crew. You thought you didn’t have enough space before? 

4. Invite in the love. I realize I already have given you some tough assignments, but since we’re here (and this blog post is about needing more love), we might as well go all in, right? 

So, invite in the love. Open up your heart - to yourself - your beautiful, precious, one in eight billion self - and invite in the love. Self-love is literally the answer to all of life’s problems. If everyone deeply loved themselves, the world we live in would be a wildly different place. 

If this is new to you and it feels icky, I feel you. I’ve been there. But also, that ickiness is just a messenger.  It’s an emotion - albeit a really uncomfortable one - that shows you how you feel on the deeper levels (it's up for you to decide what it really says) and once you feel it and let it go, you’ll be met with a new emotion:


Maybe not right away. It might take you a little while to get used to you inviting in the love, especially if it is something you have never done before. 

But keep doing it. Because here is the thing: we need more love. You need more love. The world needs more love. This isn’t just some ramblings from a hippie energy healer (well…) but it’s supported by the evidence we see in the world, each and every day. It’s supported by the statistics on stress, depression, anxiety, and suicide. It’s supported by the fact that 98% of diseases are caused by stress, not genetics.

And, we can feel it. Folks like myself that are super sensitive to energy can feel it emanating from my clients, the people in my circle, and the collective consciousness. But even without extrasensory perception, surely you can see where the world needs more love. You can feel it in your bones, your heart, your homes, your workplaces, and when you’re out engaging in the world.

It all starts with you.

The more loving you can be to your own self, the more love you’ll be able to share in the world. Even if that simply means that you loving yourself allows you to have a better relationship with your partner or your children, that is enough of a reason to do it. 

But it also means you’ll be able to be more loving to the people you don’t even know, for when you love and accept yourself, it is far easier to love and accept others. 

And for those of you on the journey of being a healer or wanting to become one, the deeper level of love you can feel for yourself means the deeper levels of love you can feel for your clients and the deeper you can take them on their own journeys.

Everyone benefits from love.

Pure, authentic, true love. 

It all starts with you. 

Try this short Yin Yoga for the Heart class. It’s only three poses to help you open your heart (and feel)! 

My signature program, Four Weeks to Freedom, takes you on a journey through your chakra system, clearing the path for you to be you in this wild world. Read more about it here. 

To book an individual session with me, click here.

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