Soul Dreams Studio

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Four Weeks to Freedom

No, it doesn’t have to do with opening back up. Nor does it have to do with the current state of affairs our country is facing on so many issues and on so many levels. Rather, this has to do with only you. You as an individual human being. You and the individual experience of your life. You, and what you can do for you at this time.

Freedom is an interesting word. It has many different meanings, each unique to the individual perspective.

Freedom. How do you think freedom feels?

I’ve spent a lot of my time during this quarantine creating this program because I felt that it was something that was needed at this time. I felt that so many of us might be experiencing some of the same sorts of feelings, drudging up the same sorts of old wounds, heavy emotions, fears, confusions, and pains. I felt that there might be many of us wondering what we could do with our lives instead, or what we might need to let go of that we don’t even know we are holding onto. I felt that there might be the need for some of us to dive very deeply within; for some of us to make quantum leaps; for some of us to put so much behind us and find freedom from it all.

Freedom so we can move onto the next level of our lives.

Freedom so we can be in a world of confusion and chaos and yet still be at peace.

Freedom so we can rise up to create what it is we truly want from our lives while we are here on this planet.

Freedom so we can then help others to find the same. 

This is a month long intensive program, with daily actionable tools, all designed to help you take yourself to that very next level in life. It is a chance to find freedom from all that you’re holding onto that blocks you from reaching your next space and taking the next steps to live your very best life

What we do:

Yin Yoga classes

Private Distance Reiki Sessions and Spiritual Coaching

Journal Prompts and Homework Assignments

About Yin Yoga:

Yin Yoga is an incredible practice that allows us to dive deep into the body and release that which no longer serves us. From a physical level, yin yoga helps stretch the connective tissues, particularly in the joints, an area that is not commonly reached by any other practice. From an emotional level, yin yoga helps us release trapped emotions and old memories, allowing them to leave the body for good. From a mental level, yin yoga helps us find resiliency and strength - all which already lie within all of us - and bring it to the surface where we can best utilize its energy. And from a spiritual perspective, yin yoga helps us connect on a deeper level with our own souls and listen to the gentle urgings of our heart - that beautiful organ that not only keeps us going but knows the way to go - if only we know how to listen.

About Reiki: 

Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan in the early 1900’s. Reiki is a gentle way to help move stuck or stagnant energy from one’s energy field and create space within the energy field for more positive, lighter, loving energy to replace that which was removed. Reiki works within the subtle energy fields to create incredible changes in a beautifully simplistic way. Distance Reiki is the exact same form of energy healing that is received during an in person session, simply received from a distance. The practitioner connects with the individual’s energy field to conduct the same effect as in person.

About Spiritual Coaching:

This is the space for coaching on whatever level the individual needs at this time. Because we are all on different journeys and living very different lives, mass advice does not work for everyone. Instead, spiritual coaching helps to pinpoint precisely what you need at this moment in time and what will work for you. The answers to this will come from your own energy field during the Reiki sessions. This is highly specific coaching advice for your individual needs. These are not group coaching calls but private calls for only you.

About Journaling and Homework Assignments:

Because the nature of this intensive program is to create incredible change in a short amount of time, daily attention to your journey is required. There will be questions for contemplation, questions to write in your journal, questions to seek within your own body, mind, and spirit, and homework assignments to help you ground all that you are learning into the physical - where it really matters most. Homework assignments are given as a group and also individually as they arise in the spiritual coaching sessions. 

This intensive program is for you if you’re ready to step into the next level of your life. It’s for you if you’re ready to make a serious commitment to yourself. It’s for you if you are ready to make changes, let go of the past, and move forward with freedom. 

Visit the website here for more information on this program. To book a call to discuss the program specifics and discover if this program is aligned for you at this time, click here

Let’s help cultivate the change that we need in this world - one individual at a time. When we rise up in our own power, we create the space for others to do the same. When we find freedom, we help others to do the same. When we share the energy of love, we help others to do the same. Together we can create change. And freedom, hopefully, for all.

I hope you are staying safe out there.

Much love and many hugs,
