Soul Dreams Studio

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What Do I Do With a Crystal?

It is probably one of the statements I hear the most: “I bought crystals, but I don’t know what to do with them.”

In this blog, I’ll cover what you can do with your crystals, how to charge them, and how to pick them out!

What you can do with your crystals:

If the crystal is small and polished, you can place it in your bra or pocket and keep it with you throughout the day. The idea is that you want to keep the crystal close to your body, preferably closest to your heart as possible. 

For crystals that are a little too large to keep in your clothing, you can place them underneath your pillow while you sleep at night or sleep with them in your hand. You’ll want to be careful though, because unpolished crystals that have a flaky exterior (like selenite or blue kyanite) can leave little splinters in your bed that won’t feel so great poking at your body. Leave those crystals on your nightstand instead of tucked under the covers with you. 

Speaking of the nightstand, this is another great place to put your crystals, especially the larger ones and the ones that are great to help you sleep at night, like celestite. Another place you can put your crystals is underneath your bed, on your doorframes, on windowsills, in your plants, and throughout the house as decorations. 

The idea behind using crystals is that you want the energy of the crystal to connect with the energy in your energy field. It is for this reason that you want to bring the crystals into your personal space as much as possible in order to fully reap the benefits of these sweet little gifts from nature. 

Aside from carrying them around with you and sleeping with them in your bed, you can also sit with crystals – either just hanging out, holding onto one while you watch television or read a book or placing one in your lap while you do work or scroll the internet. Another wonderful way to fully and more deeply connect with the energy of crystals is by meditating with them. 

Meditating with crystals in the most simplistic terms means that you hold the crystal while meditating or place the crystals on different parts of your body during a meditation. If you’re already into meditating, this is an incredible way to energetically shift your meditations, as the crystals add a whole new dimensional quality to your sessions. If you’re still on the new side to meditating, or maybe haven’t even tried yet (what are you waiting for?) then you can still reap the benefits of adding a crystal to your meditation time, but you might not notice a difference since the entire experience is brand new to you. Either way, having them join you is another way you can take advantage of all they have to offer. 

Before you use a crystal, be sure to cleanse and charge it. 

Why do you need to “cleanse” a crystal? Well, crystals had quite a long journey to take before they ended up in your possession. Basically, you want to clear off any energy they might have picked up along the way and from others who may have handled them before you. You can cleanse a crystal with many of the same methods you use to charge it, which I’ll cover next, or you can cleanse a crystal by passing it through the smoke of burning sage (light the sage, blow out the flame, and pass the crystal through the smoke) or running the crystal under a little cold water. Be careful with the water, however, as not all crystals are safe to get wet. Read up on each crystal first before you give it a bath!

What does “charge a crystal” even mean? Basically, you want to think of a crystal without charge like you without food: you don’t work so well. The crystal is the same! It needs to have energy to give energy. Since crystals come from the Earth, they are energized by contact with the Earth. This means you can place your crystals outside on the ground so they can be cleansed (this just means so they can release any energy they are holding onto) and charged (which means fill back up with energy, so they can in turn share that energy with you)! 

Another way to charge a crystal is by placing it in the light of the full moon. The best energy and light of the full moon is the day before, the day of, and the day after. Allow your crystal to have a little time either outside in the light of the full moon (or even all night) or in a window where the light will be able to reach it. 

The sun’s rays can also give your crystals a charge, but you won’t want to leave them soaking up direct sunlight all day long. Place them in a window where they will receive some sun during the day, or place them outside for a little while (a half hour to an hour is sufficient) where they can get some sun. Be careful with which crystals you place out in the sun, for some don’t like it much and will start to fade (this would happen with prolonged exposure).

And finally, crystal charging pads made from selenite are great additions to your crystal collection because aside from adding even more higher vibrational energy to your space, the selenite can both cleanse and charge your crystals, just by placing them on the pad for a little while or overnight. This is an especially ideal method for those living in cities without a lot of access to the ground or outdoors.

Is there a special method for choosing a crystal?

Finally, let’s address the number one question when it comes to crystal acquisition: how do I choose a crystal!?

Let the crystal choose you. Seriously.

Here’s what that looks like: 

You enter a store that sells crystals or you’re perusing online. You see a crystal that catches your eye. Buy it. 

It is really that simple. Using your intuition (even if you think it’s not that great just yet) to purchase crystals is the very best method for choosing them. Your intuition will guide you in the right direction, always. And when it comes to crystal purchases, you can’t really go wrong anyway. So, trust yourself and what you are called to. I have yet to see someone pick out a crystal that they “didn’t need” when using this method. In fact, I literally only have watched as people gravitate precisely towards the crystal they needed to help them through the current space they were in. 

If you really and truly aren’t ready to trust yourself and your intuition to choose a crystal in this manner just yet, then consider what it is you need to work on or let go of right now in your life. Then, look up what crystals are best to help you with that particular energy and purchase those ones. And if you’re in this camp, do yourself a favor and buy an extra one for increasing your intuition and another for reducing self-doubt ;)

And there you have it! Crystals are actually much less complicated than most people tend to think, but as with everything in life, if you want to complicate it, you certainly can. At the end of the day, what is most important when it comes to crystals is that you buy them if you want them, you keep them close by you so they can work their magic on you, and you feel better after spending some time with them. If you’ve managed to do those three things, that will have been enough. 

Enjoyed this blog? Share it on social media or check out the YouTube video version with a few personal stories mixed in. Watch the video here. 

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